[KDE/Mac] Potential blocker in kdeinit5 and klauncher5 on OS X

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sat Feb 7 15:10:02 UTC 2015

On Saturday 07 February 2015 08:03:11 Ian Wadham wrote:
> On 07/02/2015, at 1:09 AM, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> > Ok with your patch applied and those debug messages added I do see
> > Requested klauncher to start, but I don't ever see KLauncher replied OK.
> > I do after a bit see "Communication error with launcher, Exiting! as
> > before. If I find some time today I'll dig into why this is happening,
> > we'll see.
> Looks like my patch in klauncher.cpp is not using the socket correctly.
> I should not try to code blind… :-)  I must try and get Frameworks and Qt 5
> running on my Macbook.
> That message comes from kinit.cpp, launcher_died(), called from
> handle_requests().  There seems to be an error-return from
> handle_klauncher_request(), which has received an error-return from
> read_socket().  The latter is the function which actually reads the socket.
> If I overlooked anything obvious, please let me know.  Otherwise, it's
> back to the drawing-board for me… :-)

If you don't use the socket for sending commands, why not just ifdef it out 
and not use the socket at all ?

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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