[KDE/Mac] Potential blocker in kdeinit5 and klauncher5 on OS X

David Faure faure at kde.org
Thu Feb 5 15:26:45 UTC 2015

On Thursday 05 February 2015 06:23:32 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> Ian,
> I've applied this patch here to kinit framework and built it. I then tried
> launching kdeinit5.app by running
> /Applications/KDE/kdeinit5.app/Contents/MacOS/kdeinit5 klauncher which
> seemed to run ok and didn't complain about not being able to communicate
> with klauncher. I then started kanagram to check if the ghns would work now
> that klauncher is running, but it complained (kio complained I guess) about
> not being able to start klauncher5. I think I'm not testing this correctly
> in other words.
> David,
> Which applications/daemons should I be starting manually, and which should
> be launched from code (kio or other code) via their dbus .service files or
> whatnot? Should I run kded itself, should I run kdeinit5 klauncher to get
> that started, or just kdeinit5 itself with no arguments? Do I need to use
> kdeinit5 to launch anything besides klauncher ?

The usual way is: just run kdeinit5 without arguments.
(after ensuring you have a DBus session)

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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