[KDE/Mac] Upgrade to 4.13.3 in Macports

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Fri Sep 26 04:59:57 UTC 2014

Hi Nicolas, René and Ian,

On 13 Sep 2014, at 10:50 , Nicolas Pavillon <nicos at macports.org> wrote:
> - Review of all dependencies, in order to make several implicit ones now explicit

yep, that’s important, as it showed itself with kstars and eigen3.
It’s always best to start installation at least from a clean machine.
In principle one would have to work like the buildbot - i.e. always
clean everything before installing any port - but this isn’t realistic
considering the large number of KDE 4.13 ports.

> There are then some patches that I would consider rather safe to include:
> - Use of OSX keychain (https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119838/) This seems like
> a nice feature, with its use based on a variant, which would thus be mainly “on demand”. 

This doesn’t seem to be included yet, right? (TODO?)

> In addition to these, there are then several patches, where I am not sure if they
> should be included at once, or left out for now and included later.
> - KCrash and Dr. Konqi (https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119497/ and
>   https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119498/).
> There has been apparently quite some debate, and apparently, Ian, you are still
> working on a more elaborate solution for this problem, right? Therefore, should
> the present patches be used in the meantime, or are they not yet mature enough?

I haven’t looked into these yet. (TODO)

> - Native file dialogs (https://reviewboard.kde.org/r/119243/). This seems to be
>   deeper changes, that I would tend to leave out for now in order to see how 4.13
>   is going first.

+1 (TODO: But we should add a variant for it for testing anyway.)

> - System trays menus (​https://reviewboard.kde.org/r/120149/). Again, these would
>   be changes I would leave out for now to test 4.13 first.

+1 (TODO: But we should add a variant for it for testing anyway.)

> There are also some proposed changes in kdepim4, but I did not look at them yet. 

Same for me up to now.

I hope the branch ‘KDE4.13’ in our git will now a good basis to get a joint polishing
(TODO) of all these ports done.


P.S.: René and Ian, you guys are added as developers to [1], so feel free to update
      the repository regarding your patches (TODO).

P.P.S.: Nicolas, are you registered as a KDE developer? If not, please send me any
        patches and I’ll include them in the repo for you (TODO).

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