[KDE/Mac] Giving up on kdeinit4 and friends

"Marko Käning" mk-lists at email.de
Mon Sep 1 09:58:24 UTC 2014

Hi René,

> > the biggest obstacle for kdepim is kdepimlibs for me on OSX/CI, since that's 
> > currently in the process of a complete reorganization, I figured lately.
> Hope you can figure something out.


> With all its quirks (and gmail "too many simultaneous connections" hiccup and lack of imap "prefix path" support*) kmail is probably the email client I prefer.

Yeah, THIS PROJECT sounds very interesting for me, as I always wanted to have a locally running IMAP server using data stored in local folders which could then be accessed from Mail.app. As this seems to be impossible kmail might be an alternative!

Looking forward to see that solved soon.


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