[KDE/Mac] Some issues found while testing branch 'KDE4.13'

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 22:37:01 UTC 2014

Hi Marko,

Re the empty message window at the start of KGoldrunner:

On 05/10/2014, at 11:12 PM, Marko Käning wrote:
> On 05 Oct 2014, at 13:20 , Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oddly enough, the solution is to close() the main window and exit before the KGoldrunner
>> constructor gets as far as setupGUI() and the reset().  Somehow that keeps the message
>> boxes and their contents alive…  I will re-check the fix and commit it in the morning.
> Great.

I re-checked yesterday morning (Monday) and, guess what, the problem had disappeared.
It no longer occurs in my KDE 4.14/master setup - with or without my patch. I do not have
time to investigate this weird behaviour further.  The science course I give resumes on
Wednesday and I have to prepare slides and notes for that.

If I find time, I will have another look.  Otherwise I will commit something to KDE 4 master
before Thursday (closing time for KDE 4.14.2), that just comments out the message about
the handbook being missing.  It only fires on MacPorts --- and that only because MacPorts
does not build KDE handbooks.

>> I see only KFloppy and KGoldrunner in your list with that problem
> Yes, but as I pointed out I saw also kompare, cantor and karm showing an empty dialog at the start.
> BTW, I also checked on kigo again, which fails to work with MacPorts’ gnugo port!

Cheers, Ian W.

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