[KDE/Mac] Suggestion to set up a central MacPorts/KDE repository for easy exchange of MacPorts port files

mk-lists at email.de mk-lists at email.de
Sat May 10 10:46:55 UTC 2014

Hi guys,

I have filed the below ticket to KDE’s sysadmins.



Hi sysadmins,

I am considering to set up a separate MacPorts tree for package maintenance in order to allow for an easier distribution of KDE software tests (in the form of MacPorts port files as well as patches) among KDE developers. For more info please refer to [1] for our current initiative to get more developers active on OSX via MacPorts.

Example uses would be e.g.:

 * early tests of upcoming updates of a new KDE release, as of now the transition from 4.12.4 (which is currently the version installed by standard MacPorts) to 4.13.1 [2]

 * allow installation of devel ports for KDE software development without flooding the standard MacPorts software tree with *-devel ports [3]

 * perhaps also keep documentation of how to set up a CI environment on OSX [4] as long as this is not published on the KDE community wiki

Currently I am using BitBucket, but I would prefer to use KDE's infrastructure, since hosting of a "KDE software test MacPorts tree" on a FOSS server might draw more developers to OSX/MacPorts.


[1] https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems
[2] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-mac/2014-May/001021.html
[3] https://bitbucket.org/mkae/macports-kde/src/89cfd20aefde4610bab39ca461ea8305b7779796/ports/kde/konversation-devel/?at=default
[4] https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI

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