[KDE/Mac] Developing KDE on Mac

Sjors Gielen mailinglist at dazjorz.com
Fri Aug 13 00:41:45 CEST 2010

Op 13 aug 2010, om 00:21 heeft John Layt het volgende geschreven:

> On Thursday 12 August 2010 18:19:41 Sjors Gielen wrote:
> > You should probably report build errors in the MacPorts packages to the
> > MacPorts packagers of KDE, not to the KDE-on-Mac lists. Their packages
> > are, of course, meant to work right away.
> The dbus link error is not in the MacPorts build, it's when I try to checkout and build kdesupport myself that I have problems linking to dbus.  It links fine when building kdesupport in MacPorts so I think it is something about my environment.

Well, in that case, you should definitely check the current patch to kdesupport and the way they build their kdesupport packages: it's very very likely that the problems linking to dbus are fixed in there. (Now that I come to think about it: DBus isn't Mac-shipped, so it's in your MacPorts installation; you should probably give a --configure flag or LDFLAGS, to make it link to the right one.

> ld: library not found for -ldbus-1
>   /opt/local/lib/libdbus-1.dylib

So try adding: LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" and it will likely find it. MacPorts probably does this automatically in its build system, as does Fink. :)

(The reason why the build does not automatically find dbus where on other systems it would, is that package managers are 'external' to Mac systems, they don't "own" the system. Therefore they install in seperate locations like /sw for Fink and /opt/local for MacPorts, to not come in the way of the system; this has the drawback that you need to help compilations find the right dependencies, because they are installed on somewhat 'nonstandard' paths; /sw/lib and /opt/local/lib instead of the regular /usr/lib.)

> > KDE4 is, by the way, according to the #kde-mac topic, more up-to-date in
> > Fink (4.4.0 versus 4.3.2). I actually even intend to write a script
> > someday for KDE4 nightlies in Fink; this may or may not already exist in
> > MacPorts. :)
> Well, MacPorts is actually 4.4.5 while Fink appears to be 4.4.1 (albeit with more apps available), but I can switch to Fink if you think that will get better results.

Oh no that's fine, both will probably work equally well. Apparantly the #kde-mac topic isn't updated often... :/

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