[KDE/Mac] State of the KDE/Mac address

Mike Arthur mike at mikearthur.co.uk
Wed Jan 21 11:05:24 CET 2009

On Tuesday 20 January 2009 17:58:55 O wrote:
> Packaging Team: Having macports in a pretty much OK state for "normal
> folk" to contribute, and having spoken to folks like Bill Hoffman
> about using CPack at Camp KDE, after 4.2.0 is release I'm shifting
> gears and working on getting CPack support integrated into KDE.
> This effectively means no more packages from me for anything and I
> will merely stay on in an advisory position :-) Hopefully this'll mean
> that six months from now Mac and Windows will have CPack installers.
> Oh, and we're working with the windows guys on this.
Who should I speak to about helping with this? I know my stuff CPack wise and 
have already made a few modifications which have been merged upstream for Mac 

Mike Arthur

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