[KDE/Mac] KDE4 and D-BUS

Jonas Bähr jonas.baehr at web.de
Sat Feb 7 14:12:10 CET 2009


Am 07.02.2009 um 09:16 schrieb jolz:

> Hi
> I'd like to use kde4 on my Leopard. I tried http://mac.kde.org/?id=build 
> , but ended up with some unusuable KDE Apps. :-(
> I first tried "sudo port install kdebase4", then "sudo port install  
> kdebase4-devel". (deactivated all old packages). I get the same  
> errors:
> konqueror shows his welcome page, but without the css style sheet  
> and without images. I Type "/" => error message "Could not start  
> process Cannot talk to klauncher: Not connected to D-BUS  
> server." (in a message box)
> Started from "Terminal.app" with "/Applications/KDE4/konqueror.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS/konqueror"
> konqueror(49947): Couldn't start knotify from knotify4.desktop:   
> "KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling  
> start_service_by_desktop_path:
> Not connected to D-BUS server
> "
> ... and some other d-bus messages. So, how can i fix dbus?? I've  
> read on some webpages, that problem with dbus on mac are solved...?

You need to load dbus into launchd after the installation (or reboot,  
I *think* that should work too). The dbus post-activation message  
tells you that, but unfortunately macport does not accumulate the  
package's messages for you so most people won't see it :-/

Well, executing this line in a terminal should do the trick:
   launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus- 


> jolz
> -- 
> ------ problems i already solved: -----
> Problem 1:
> I installed "gimp2" and "gramps". One of them depends on "hicolor- 
> icon-theme"
> --->  Activating kdebase4-runtime @4.2.0_0
> Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: /opt/ 
> local/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme is being used by the active  
> hicolor-icon-theme port.  Please deactivate this port first, or use  
> the -f flag to force the activation.
> Error: The following dependencies failed to build: kdebase4-runtime
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> I uninstalled "hicolor-icon-theme". problem solved.
> Problem 2:
> After successfully installing "kdebase4" in started "konqueror.app"  
> but nothing happend.
> --> log:
> trying to create local folder /Users/joh/Library/Preferences/KDE/ 
> share: Permission denied
> trying to create local folder /Users/joh/Library/Preferences/KDE/ 
> cache-joh-macbook.local: Permission denied
> Following commands solved the problem:
> joh at joh-macbook:~/Library/Preferences> ls -l /Users/joh/Library/ 
> Preferences/K*
> -rw-------  1 joh  staff  416 28 Dez 19:23 /Users/joh/Library/ 
> Preferences/KeePassX.plist
> /Users/joh/Library/Preferences/KDE:
> ls: KDE: Permission denied
> joh at joh-macbook:~/Library/Preferences> sudo chown joh:staff KDE/ -R
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