[KDE/Mac] New Packages. Almost, but not quite KDE 4.1.2 universal.

Julian Mehnle julian at mehnle.net
Wed Sep 24 23:16:08 CEST 2008

Big O,

> I'm back. These here packages should work on both 10.4 and 10.5, ppc
> and intel. http://server.c-otto.de/kde/kdeprereqs.dmg : provides a
> whole lot of stuff, including dbus, which you need before you can
> install qt. http://server.c-otto.de/kde/qt4.dmg : provides qt w/
> patches from KDE's qt-copy http://server.c-otto.de/kde/kdesupport.dmg :
> has soprano, strigi, akonadi, phonon, automoc, taglib and qimageblitz.
> http://server.c-otto.de/kde/kde.dmg : provides kdelibs, pimlibs (which
> is bloody HUGE), base, multimedia, graphics and amarok2.
> Oh, and there's http://server.c-otto.de/kde/20080922.dmg which throws
> all the packages into one dmg. I here's there's a directory about with
> inividual packages too. Who knows.

awesome work!  I'm going to test that over the next few days.

One question: what makes these packages "_not_quite_ KDE 4.1.2 universal"?

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