[KDE/Mac] So I think we should plan what we're going to do for the 4.1 release.

Martin Krischik martin.osx at krischik.com
Mon Jul 14 20:11:18 CEST 2008

Am Montag 14 Juli 2008 schrieb Aidan Van Dyk:
> Will these efforts lead to "packages" that my wife will be able to
> install on her iBook too, or will I have to resort to being her
> sysadmin again to use macport/etc to get KDE4 installed and updated?

The default of MacPort is to compile from automaticly downloaded sources - 
similar to Gentoo. However thats just the default - I guess the following 
options is what you are looking for:

     There are also targets for producing installable packages of ports:

     Creates an OS X installer package of portname.

     Creates an OS X installer metapackage of portname and its dependencies.

     Creates an internet-enabled disk image containing an OS X package of

     Creates an internet-enabled disk image containing an OS X metapackage of
     portname and its dependencies.

     Creates an RPM binary package of portname, similar to a tgz "archive".

     Creates a SRPM source package of portname, similar to a xar "portpkg".

     Creates a DEB binary package of portname.

It's just that someone needs to create them.

Martin Krischik
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