[KDE/Mac] kde4.1 MacPorts available

Vittorio Giovara vittorio.giovara at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 00:36:17 CEST 2008

ok here is the feedback i promised to provide
first of all i must say that i had some difficulties in building the qt4-mac
as they interruped abruptly when installing; only after a couple of macports
reinstall i managed to make it work
moreover standard qt4-mac is not enough! they MUST be build with +ssl
support: maybe we should file a ticket asking to set that variant by default

compiling and installing

- when installing kdelibs i found that two dependencies where missing:
automoc and shared-mime-info, but they can be easily add in the portfile
- when installing automoc alone i found that the cmake dependency was not
- automoc places some files in /usr/local; it's not very nice, expecially if
you reinstall it as it will exit with an error
- the apps are built without a single icon! that's a little ugly... even
after installing kdeartwork (which fixed the internal icons though)
- kdebase-runtime does NOT compile properly with the phonon support of qt4;
to make it work you have to install the standalone phonon

about the applications

- konqueror doesn't file the relative html library so no browsing is
- like every other application there is a strange error about dbus

      Could not start process Cannot talk to klauncher: Not connected to
D-BUS server.

  that prevents any application to work properly: any application needing to
open a file on the filesystem will simply display an empty box list
- konsole exits immediately after opening it

i hope i'm not missing something and that i have not some configuration
mistake, but this should be all
it's a good start but there still some work to do; in the meantime, is there
any solution to the problems listed above?


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Brian Jackson <iggy at theiggy.com> wrote:

> Glad to hear it was easy enough to use. I've been updating the tarball as
> I've gotten some other feedback already. Hopefully, it'll just get easier.
> I don't really know anything about meta packages in macports. If someone
> else writes one or tells me how to, I'll add it.
> I thought I pulled the separate phonon out of the deps for everything, so
> it shouldn't really be needed anymore. I just left it in the tarball just in
> case.
> On Jul 30, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Vittorio Giovara wrote:
> ok here are my partial results and feelings:
> - adding the port file was quite easy so no problems
> - i feel that's a meta package for installing all kde4 is missing
> - there are some problems with the activation of qt4-mac & phonon if they
> are already installed
> anyway, i think you guys did a very good job and i'm happy to help with
> some testing!
> now it's compile time :)
> i'll post you with some substancial results later!
> bye
> Vittorio
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:08 AM, Brian Jackson <iggy at theiggy.com> wrote:
>> I've whipped up some macports Portfiles for kde 4.1. If anyone would
>> like to test them out and let me know, I'd appreciate it.
>> http://www.theiggy.com/tmp/kde41-ports.tar.bz2
>> I give you fair warning that some of this takes a while to build.
>> Using port -d can help with knowing how far things are.
>> --Brian Jackson
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