[kde-linux] Very ugly image in X root window.

James Tyrer jrtyrer at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 12 00:58:56 UTC 2011

On 11/10/2011 01:24 AM, Duncan wrote:
> James Tyrer posted on Wed, 09 Nov 2011 23:18:28 -0700 as excerpted:
>> On 11/03/2011 10:54 AM, James Tyrer wrote:
>>> Well, I have again wasted most of an hour trying to make a simple
>>> change to KDE and have not succeeded.  Did someone miss the point that
>>> hiding things does not make KDE easier to use?
>>> Does anyone know how to change the X root window image (it is behind
>>> the desktop but sometimes is viable) for KDE?  Or, if it is hard coded,
>>> what is its name and location?
>> This is the image:
>>       http://home.earthlink.net/~tyrerj/files/ugly.png
>> I note that I upgraded to 4.7 3 and now if I kill: "plasma-desktop" from
>> a Konsole, the image is there.
> I knew I'd seen it before once I saw it, but couldn't tell where.
> However, google image search has some matching images that might be clues.
> (This is a /very/ long link.)
> http://images.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiurYgbgtpm2dzz-GoixwwQLgQZ-Xvpu0pkAN9Fqb24kltmQ-Ky5i_16Xeje020tD2clqvuRGpaeh56io6MDmB2zRPLnvOkxlWDvxNn_1S7UNOEDFsEkUDiNMMF4h1PM08Q18nic5w8w-N-LiB66PL7VAKXNEb1xvB5xStf5FseN1wab3XkMrrSDmA4DTCp9_1IOf9IM9gYzFWtFiBKNnhtlrTzPtE1WMBJYVwzHWXE20O06qgz1PUgAn3f70YAn2J8fwthKZioKmOCAZN6JgChbirT6g2ss0Nkwc3pHJi0K4c-J5b7lsNgluEXEq3rmSciiLNXdm0KJ4sKpZhz656t6hv5gxWg-NX0lBEeQyZVgpHVainhCdGlNmyp0jzw3A6tGA6NEAXTystekBBcowpz5RRY2oN8iOfU6ksym19CpjzcrLR9bwERwaD9NOgL7oB2Xd4IyYJOhmGVeTDxRMFVjOR35Z4gmX9p3Nus3sJzEnwzFVjKpbXZW3B2nvWPQK9GBDsXvqi0blMie6oQIEWAuSefa8hgCJkgdSoXHM3ENz8tRbO-EU5PXILek1xAqyJAkJzO7enDiKUoggFl1D-B2pyBtuqNfGiVB3BdI-61ot8WvPvjNngdWmo-11lPzxPGRH0wR2xowevk4Ul9J95YnWJ85V5l3RnFQJzmPX1shW7yzU1P4307KQkxZbwvDwYcEcjbb9e7UeXtt51t89IPyCHZJ3sXDg&hl=en&sa=G&biw=1139&bih=689&gbv=2&site=search&ei=xnm7Tq7zEMPeiALSuKn3AQ&ved=0CD4Q9Q8
Been there done that already and didn't find a file name.
> FWIW, a distro review similar to the following (foresight linux
> in this case) might be where I remember the image from.  (I found this
> with an image search on "green lines linux kde":
> http://reddevil62-techhead.blogspot.com/2008/03/eye-on-prize-detailed-look-at-foresight.html
> That mentions a default gnome 2.22 desktop.  FWIW, I don't have gnome
> installed so if it's a gnome or gdm (or kdm for that matter) background,
> that could explain why I don't seem to have it, here... assuming you do.
I think that this wall paper used to come with KDE but it doesn't 
anymore.  Perhaps there were others that thought that it was ugly. :-)

GNOME is not currently working on my system.  I currently only have 
enough of it installed to run GIMP, Gnumeric InkScape, and the theme 
manager (this allows using KDE icon themes in GTK based apps -- it works 
now that they are supposed to have the same names).  But, I don't think 
that that is a GNOME wallpaper -- they don't do that type of stuff.

Anyhow: I figure that the developer that did it knows.  Perhaps you 
could ask on KDE-Devel as I have a read only subscription.

Do I understand correctly that if you open a konsole and:

     killall plasma-desktop

that this image doesn't show up.  I currently have >= 4.7.3 built from 
source by hand -- actually, I use scripts but I wrote the scripts.

James Tyrer

Linux (mostly) From Scratch

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