[kde-linux] Re: Setting DISPLAY variable on quicklaunch entry not working
1i5t5.duncan at cox.net
Wed May 11 06:32:41 UTC 2011
Allistar posted on Wed, 11 May 2011 16:25:46 +1200 as excerpted:
> I've just updated KDE to 4.6.2 on Gentoo Linux and to my surprise Plasma
> now works on my second screen (screen in the X sense, not in the
> physical monitor sense). Previously the only way to get am accelerated
> triple head setup was to run e16 on the 2nd screen.
Cool. I'm running dual-monitor but single card and therefore single X
screen. But I had triple-monitor (dual X screen) years ago, and am
familiar with all the howls of pain when kde4 originally wouldn't work
with multiple screens and no xinerama (aka, in zaphod mode).
So it's good to see reports that it's working now.
Tho I didn't see you mention whether you're in zaphod or xinerama mode,
but it appears given the separate instances comment below, that you mean
zaphod mod.
> This means I now have two instances of KDE running, with 2 instances of
> the plasma desktop. All good so far. When I add a panel to the second
> plasma instahnce and in that panel I add the "Quick Launch" widget. To
> that I add an icon for Konsole. When clicking on that icon it always
> starts Konsole up on screen 0, not screen 1.
> Setting the icon command to be:
> DISPLAY=":0.1" konsole
> Doesn't work - it still starts it up on the wrong screen.
That's not surprising. The environmental variable setting mechanism you
used there is a shell concept. AFAIK, the launcher doesn't launch a shell
first, but instead, uses the existing environment.
> Oddly, when I start it up from the K menu on the second screen,
> it starts in the right place.
This would be due to kwin's configuration, not the DISPLAY environmental
variable. AFAIK it's a single kwin running over the whole thing (that was
actually one of the original problems I believe, assumptions were made
that there was only one screen or that xinerama mode was in use, that had
to be corrected before things could work properly, that was part of the
whole hubbub I read about...), with kwin controlling placement, so that's
what you need to configure.
> How do I convince quicklaunch to honour the DISPLAY setting for the
> current screen?
Again, I'm not personally experimentally familiar with current zaphod mode
and wasn't aware it was even working. However, you don't mention trying
the following and failing, and some of these settings apply at least to
xinerama mode, with which I /am/ familiar, so perhaps they apply in the
newly possible zaphod mode as well...
kcontrol (um... systemsettings, but they aren't systemsettings, they're
user-specific kde settings, thus the kde3 kcontrol name remains more
accurate and is what I still use), hardware, display and monitor, multiple
You may need USE=xinerama (despite zaphod not xinerama mode, you'd need it
I believe for the kde-base/systemsettings package, tho it may take the
same setting for something else as well to get it working properly) to get
that kcontrol module, but I believe that's what you're looking for. Some
of those may not work with zaphod mode (or for all I know, you get
different options, but assuming you have the options I get here), pay
particular attention to the "enable multiple monitor window placement
support" checkbox, and the show unmanaged windows on <dropdown>. For the
xinerama mode I have here, I have all the options checked and that dropdown
set to "display containing the pointer".
You may also find the windows rules settings useful. These are available
either in kcontrol, under workspace appearance and behavior, window
behavior, window rules, or in the windows rules section of the window
behavior configuration available as an option from any window menu.
Normally, these are for exceptions to the general rules, but if you setup
a rule without specifying a whole lot in the first couple tabs (window and
window extra), it should apply more generally. At one point I had a
problem with a number of apps wanting to start maximized when I wanted
them normalized, so I set a non-specific window rule that I titled
"General initial no-max". Then on the geometry tab, I checked the
maximized vertically and horizontally options at the left, enabling them,
set "apply initially" in the dropdown, and left the on/off toggle checkbox
UNCHECKED, so matching windows (that is pretty much everything since I
didn't filter much in the first couple tabs) would appear un-maximized by
It worked, and didn't interfere with more specific rules I set for
specific apps or app-windows, either. =:^)
If you try this route, you'll probably want to experiment with the window
placement option at the bottom of the geometry tab. You can also try the
position option, but I'm not sure that'll work as you described for a
general rule, tho it might come in handy for specific windows if you
always want them in the same place.
Do note that depending on how insistent the app is at placing itself, you
may have to set (workarounds tab) strictly obey geometry FORCE OFF, and
ingore requested geometry FORCE ON. I've found that these work best of
they're BOTH set at the same time, to OPPOSITE values.
I hope that helps. Please do post your results as I'm interested in
knowing how well they work for zaphod mode. Also, let me know if you need
USE=xinerama to get that kcontrol module or not, and if setting it for kde-
base/systemsettings was enough or if it needed set for something else too.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
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