[kde-linux] Re: 24 hour format

Wolfgang Mueller wm at ariannuccia.de
Thu Apr 14 11:47:57 UTC 2011

On 04/14/11 10:50, Duncan wrote:
> Wolfgang Mueller posted on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:28:36 +0200 as excerpted:
>> How can I switch the clock in the panel from am/pm  to 24 hours? I do
>> not see any appropriate option in "Digital Clock Settings" .
> See kcontrol (the so-called system-settings that are instead kde-specific
> user-specific settings, for the most part, *NOT* the system-settings
> claimed, the kde3 term kcontrol thus being FAR more accurate), common
> appearance and behavior, locale, country/region and language.  There,
> switch to the time tab and adjust the settings as desired. =:^)
> (The kcontrol path above is for kde 4.5+.  4.4 and earlier used a
> different kcontrol layout so the location of that module will be
> different.)
I forgot to mention that I run kde 4.6.0 release 6 under Open Suse 11.4.
Can you please tell me which of these two directories called kcontrol 
you mean,

drwxr-xr-x   3 root 4096 Feb 27 15:23 /usr/share/kde4/apps/kcontrol/    or
drwxr-xr-x 67 root 4096 Feb 22 02:42 /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kcontrol/

and for which subdirectory I should look for. Anyway, there is none 
called "system-settings".

Thanks again,

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