[kde-linux] XDG does work for the menu, and it isn't a good thing.

James Tyrer jrtyrer at earthlink.net
Mon May 31 17:14:25 UTC 2010

I note that although I am having problems with menu items not showing up 
in the menu [see previous posting], it appears that the menu files are read.


and KDE is reading: /etc/gnome/xdg/menus/applications.menu

and using it.  This would appear to be a bug and the solution to this is 
simple.  Although XDG should be used for some things, it should not be 
used to find the "applications.menu" file unless there isn't one in the 
default location.

Perhaps something should be added the relevant XDG specification (DTD) 
to identify the menu as has been done with the 'desktop' files (i.e. 
OnlyShowIn=).  Lacking that, there could be a comment to identify the 
menu to use:

	<!-- KDE -->

James Tyrer

Linux (mostly) From Scratch

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