[kde-linux] Distro for using KDE 4.4 - Solved

Alain Mouette alainm at pobox.com
Fri Mar 19 20:05:52 UTC 2010

Hi, I found that Debian calls KDE4 "Experimental" which is just what I 
think it is. So Debian Lenny which is very up-to-date, January 2010, 
installs with KDE 3.5.10 which is very nice.

Debian misses a few nice utiities that were present in Kubuntu, but I 
hope that I will find substitutes...

So now I can use KDE 3, and wait untill KDE devellopers start 
considering that making a working program is more important than making 
more utilities... I hope this doesn't take too long as KDE4 looks 
*promissing* :)


> Alain Mouette wrote:
>> Please note that I am asking here because my problem is to get a full 
>> KDE 4.4.1 system and I don't want to make my way backwards to Gnome.

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