[kde-linux] Long-standing Problem: Nice 19

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Wed Jul 21 15:23:58 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, 2010-07-21, David Baron wrote:
> KDE core modules are coming up niced 19/39 which, of course, cripples KDE.
> Right now, I have a timed renicer script in Autostart to fix but this is a
> royal pain and the timing does not always work. The problem is not hitting
> other users.

Maybe you have some kind of system wide facilities that do this.
Maybe you have left overs from previous attempts to mess with priorities.

Does this happened for all user accounts on your machine or just for specific 
Do you have your renicer scripts globally autostarted or only for specific 
user accounts?


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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