[kde-linux] losing icons

Duncan 1i5t5.duncan at cox.net
Tue Feb 9 11:08:56 UTC 2010

Jerome Yuzyk posted on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 23:08:44 -0700 as excerpted:

> I am running KDE 3.5.10 on Fedora 8. Lately, I have been losing icons
> here and there. Mostly web favicons in my Konquiror Bookmarks list and
> toolbars, and they come back sometimes. But this evening the Kopete icon
> in the System Tray is gone. Kopete is still there, but there's a blank
> space. My system has been up over 400 days - could that be it? Or
> symptom of a larger looming problem?

That sounds like a slow xorg resource leak.  You mention a 400 day 
uptime.  Is KDE/X up for long periods or do you shut X down and return to 
the command prompt sometimes?  That's what I'd do here, quit and restart X 
and kde.  That way you don't lose your uptime since it's only X that 
you're quitting and restarting, not the entire system.

FWIW, you're lucky.  Linux, like any good *ix, has the potential for multi-
hundred-day uptimes.  However, X itself is often far less stable than 
that, especially with live git sources graphics drivers like I'm currently 
running, as the OpenGL support for my card is so new there's simply no 
releases available with it, yet.  X crashes regularly on me, and being 
what it is, it unfortunately takes the rest of the system with it, so no 
long uptimes here!  (Not that they get anywhere near that long anyway, as 
I like running live git kernels from about rc2 onward, and thus git pull 
the kernel, compile and install the new version, and reboot to test it, 
quite regularly.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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