[kde-linux] konsole/bash/htop use bold characters and make characters unreadables

Duncan 1i5t5.duncan at cox.net
Sun Aug 22 22:52:03 UTC 2010

christophe posted on Sun, 22 Aug 2010 13:46:05 +0200 as excerpted:

> Le Sunday 22 August 2010 11:07:05 Duncan, vous avez écrit :
>> It's possible that setting was an addition for kde 4.5, based on bugs
>> like yours reported for earlier versions.
>> That would also explain why I wasn't aware of it, as 4.5.0 is still
>> reasonably new, and I've not fully explored it yet.  I thought sure I'd
>> reviewed all the konsole settings yet this one was new to me.  If it
>> was new for 4.5 (konsole version 2.5), that explains why.
> It looks like a very recent modification :
> http://marc.info/?l=kde-commits&m=127542238512153

OK, yes.  Thanks for looking that up! =:^)  That's well after 4.4.0's 
release in February, and would be limited to the 4.5 series onward, since 
it couldn't be backported due to UI string freeze policies (for l10n 
purposes, which I'm sure you appreciate, being French).

> The screenshot has just been approved by moderator. You should receive
> it now.

I see it.  Of course that option is missing for reasons made clear above, 
but the two font size options, slider vs. font picker, are there.  The 
font picker will limit one to the available sizes, while the slider is 
much more variable, as I mentioned.

>> Otherwise, you may have just found a reason to investigate an early
>> upgrade! =;^)
> I have two options :
> 1- upgrade to kde 4.5, from the suse repositories, but that might be
> risky as it's not the officially maintained version for opensuse 11.3,
> and that might lead to some unstabilities that i will not be able to
> deal with, since i will lack of time.
> 2- try to recompile konsole in a later version. But i don't how i will
> do that.
> I would prefer the number 2 . Is it easy to do ? I can ./configure,
> make, make install . I have already done it several times...
> In fact, i don't know if will have time, since i will be very busy by
> real life in the next days (job + moving to a new palce, etc...)

I'd wait, then, making do with whatever size font you have to, in the mean 

Upstream-kde groups individual kde modules into rather large monolithic 
tarballs with complex interdependencies that aren't simple to sort out.  
kdebase is the one that contains konsole.  But it also contains kcontrol/
system-settings, konqueror, dolphin, etc.  Basically, if you compile it 
yourself (which I do but on Gentoo, using the gentoo ebuilds which sort 
out all those dependencies for me), you'll either have to do all that 
dependency sorting manually, or upgrade at least all of kdelibs and kdebase 
together, and the rest of kde (kdegames, kdeedu, kdepim, etc, except kdepim 
4.4.5 is still used with 4.5.0, since the big change there, kmail to use 
akonadi, was delayed for further testing and will be introduced with 
4.5.1) may or may not work if it's not upgraded as well.

Upstream, kde 4.5 is a vast improvement on 4.4, as have been all the 4.y 
versions over the previous 4.x.  Based on that, I'd certainly suggest the 
upgrade.  However, it is possible that the changes SuSE makes aren't yet 
completed and it won't integrate quite as well with SuSE.  It's also 
possible, since we're dealing with a 4.x.0 version, that various l10n 
strings aren't perfectly translated yet, and there may be other bugs that 
will be fixed in later 4.5.x versions.

So given that you're moving right now, I'd recommend sticking with what 
you have ATM, and reconsidering after things calm down again for you 
"IRL".  A slight caution:  I mentioned the kmail changes coming in 4.5.1.  
Given the caution they're taking, it should be fine, but if you're 
upgrading, I'd definitely consider making it 4.5.0 or sticking with SuSE 
official for later 4.5.x, if you use kmail, thus buffering yourself from 
any bugs that may appear in 4.5.1 due to the switch.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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