[kde-linux] Annoying Dolphin Feature?

Steven Crooks steven at worldofcrooks.org
Tue Sep 8 18:43:38 UTC 2009

Am Tuesday 08 September 2009 20:12:17 schrieb David Baron:
> While clicking + to choose various files to move, I find that if I hover
> the mouse cursor over a file, the choices get canceled and the hovered file
> gets selected. Alternatively, a whole series of files gets selected by
> moving the cursor over them without such intent. There is no selection box
> or "rubber- band."
> How does one get rid of this feature? Or is it, inf fact, a bug in some
> similar feature that might be desirable if properly configured?

Systemsettings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Mouse -> Automatically select Icons
Uncheck the option or set the delay to maximum. That should solve both 
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