[kde-linux] kde 3.5 to 4.?

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 5 09:05:11 UTC 2009

On Saturday 05 September 2009 09:30:15 Duncan wrote:
> d) kde4 has a new, or perhaps more accurately, much improved from kde3,
> features, called places.  These appear on the kickoff menu under
> Computer, and can be found in all three of the choices available in a
> default kde install for file manager, dolphin, konqueror in file manager
> mode, gwenview, as well.

You can also drag folders into the Places menu, if you need frequent, quick 
access to them.

If you are new to Dolphin, be sure to read http://userbase.kde.org/Dolphin and 
follow the links to the tutorial pages.  It's quite a bit different from 
Konqueror, so you can save yourself a lot of frustration if you've read about 
it first ;-)

New to KDE4? - get help from http://userbase.kde.org
Just found a cool new feature?  Add it to UserBase
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