[kde-linux] system-config-printer

Randy Kramer rhkramer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 17:28:44 UTC 2009

On Monday 02 March 2009 07:20 am, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> I am starting to wonder: does anyone here actually use OO?  If not, 
> do you use for a wordprocessor? :-)  Actually, I prefer WordPerfect, 
> the UNIX version for X (8.1) has issues with the current GLibc and it 
> won't print (yes, it won't print :-( and that was why I had to use 

Back in the days when I had to use Windows, I preferred MS Word to 
Wordperfect and used the imperfect analogy that Wordperfect was closest 
to being a typewriter replacement, while Word was more computer 
like--in Word you (or, at least I ;-) did things like set up styles, 
then applied those styles to selected regions of text either as I was 
typing or afterwards.  I very rarely did any "manual" formatting (like 
applying bold, underlining, or whatever to some region of text.

The other thing that really worked for me in Word was the collapsible 
outlining feature.

I don't know if OOWriter is quite that dependant (if that's the word I 
want to use) on styles as Word was, but if it is, that would certainly 
be my preference.  OOWriter doesn't have the collapsible outlining 
feature that Word does, but there are some features (is it called "view 
structure") that help somewhat in that direction.

When I first switched to Linux, I thought Abiword might become my 
preferred word processor--much smaller and lighter than OOWriter, uses 
styles, and seemed like they might implement collapsible outlining.  
They finally did implement something that I think the call/consider 
collapsible outlining, but it really isn't--it's more like collapsible 

Doesn't matter too much to me--I rarely use a word processor anymore, 
use an editor to generate text to be used on the Internet, either HTML 
or some variant (like TWiki Markup).

Anyway, just felt like expressing my $0.02.

Randy Kramer

PS: I remember a big issue for Wordperfect users trying to switch to 
Word was the issue of no "view codes" mode in Word.  Once you learn 
Word, you realize you don't need it (and shouldn't).  You can always 
see what style is applied to any text, then check the definition of 
that style to see what formatting is applied.  (Ok, so I might be up to 
I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I created a video 
instead.--with apologies to Cicero, et.al.

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