[kde-linux] problem with my USB keys on my eeePc 4G

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 20 15:33:21 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 20 January 2009 15:03:01 Randy Kramer wrote:
> On Monday 19 January 2009 04:31 pm, Guillaume Revet wrote:
> > I have a problem with my USB keys on my eeePC 4G. The message is:
> "You're not allowed to read /home/user/DataTraveler 2.0".
> > The ownership of /home/user/DataTraveler 2.0  is root. I don't know
> why ans it's the same problem on all my USB device and with my Flash
> Card too.
> > I not very used with the console but I try that:
> > su (root mode)
> > ls -la
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    23 2009-01-19 16:21  DataTraveler 2.0
> -> /media/DataTraveler 2.0
> > And when i try to change to owner or to open it: No files or folders
> Thanks for the information--not sure why you started a new thread.
> I'm still uncertain, you may have two problems.
> Next question: have you tried to open (or view) the directory as root?
> (And that is when you get the no files or folders?)  Based on the
> permissions you should be able to do this as root, so I'd guess that
> the drive is not mounted.
> Look in /etc/mtab and see if there is anything that looks like the USB
> drive being mounted--on my older machine (Mandriva2006) I see a line
> like:
> /dev/sda1 /mnt/cflash_fat16 msdos rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime 0 0
> But note that the device (sda1) can vary depending on various
> circumstances--it might be anything like sd followed by a, b, c, or d,
> followed by a number.
> Also note that the /mnt/cflash_fat16 mountpoint is something custom I
> created.  (Also note that I have to mount my USB drives manually, but I
> would think that Mandriva2009 (assuming that's what you're using)
> should mount it automatically.
> Anyway, start by seeing if the device is mounted, by looking
> in /etc/mtab--if it is, give us the contents of that line.
I still haven't seen any mention of which distro he's using, but just as a 
comparison, here is what mtab says when I have a usb key mounted (under the 
EeePC's Xandros, with the Advanced Desktop, therefore an old version of KDE3):

/dev/sdc1 /media/USB\040Flash\040Memory/partition1 vfat 
0 0

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