[kde-linux] kde status

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Sun Feb 22 08:35:59 UTC 2009

Am Saturday 21 February 2009 23:34:57 schrieb Nathan England:
> I have found some significat slowness from KDE 4.2.0 to kde 3.5.10, but I
> recently upgraded to some later X sources, such as xserver 1.5.3 and newer
> video drivers and teh speed of 4.2.0 is now faster than my 3.5.10 was. I am
> quite impressed with the speed of 4.2.0.

ok, so you seem to have suffered from the often reported video driver issue 
with kde4 :)
fine, it works now ok.
anyways, here is another issue: I have a simple, built in intel graphics 
system, which never had those issues, and although having turned off all 
desktop effects/fancy stuff, kde4 is still not as snappy/responsive as 3.5.
as said: I'll wait for qt 4.5 and then check again.


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