[kde-linux] Using Sesame2 Instead of Redland
David Baron
d_baron at 012.net.il
Sun Feb 15 20:08:25 UTC 2009
I have the sesame2.2.4 .jar. Now, how do I use it?
There is a nepomukserverrc file with two interesint iterms:
1. autostart=false (one for nepomuk, one for strigi)
Seems to be running to me, bogging down my system unless I manually (or and)
renice it. Since I do not use (to my knowlege, anyay) strigi, why should this
be running? What does it buy me (akonadi seems to want it around).
2. Used Soprano Backend=redland
I actually installed redland stuff for certain ladspa audio plugins. Nepomuk
or soprano apparenlty bring it their own. Since sesame2 is java, replace
=redland with =java will probably not do it. How must I do it?
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