[kde-linux] insstalling downloads

Peter Catchlove pcatchlove at t-online.de
Wed Apr 29 10:07:11 UTC 2009

Shannan -
as others have pointed out, you don't say what distribution you have 
("distro"), i.e. what flavour of linux.
Just in case it's Debian - I'd recommend (you're presumably a "newbie") you 
use the "Synaptic" interface for viewing and installing the software 
available (there's a whole ton of it!). In 6 or so years of debian, it's 
never let me down (ok sometimes it doesn't have the stuff you want : but 
there are often solutions using non-official repositories).
Of course if you don't have synaptic installed yet, that might seem like 
catch22, but if you let us know we can tell you how to install that from the 
command line.
good luck!

PS - debian is very similar to ubuntu, which has been recommended - in fact 
ubuntu is largely based on debian.

On Monday 27 April 2009 09:30:34 Shannan Shaw wrote:
> Hi! I feel really stupid for asking this but I do not know how to install
> anything on my computer once i have it downloaded and saved to my desktop.
> Can you please help me figure it out? Thanks.
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