[kde-linux] kde4, first impressions

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Sun Jan 13 09:56:44 UTC 2008

hello all,
I just want to give some first impressions about kde 4.0.0 here, maybe someone 
is interested and/or wants to comment :)
-	installation is a breeze (following 
http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php) here
-	coexists nicely with kde3, as settings are kept in separate locations.
-	easy import for settings from kde3 into kde4 equiv. apps (bookmarks for 
-	kde3 apps run flawless in kde4 session (this is crucial, as some key apps 
like pim-suite are not yet available in kde4)
-	didn't try the other way round yet (kde4 apps in kde3 session), which might 
involve some hassle, though
-	looks nice at first glance, will have to figure out many new features, 
-	new krunner (alt+F2) is nice, easy to find things/navigate
-	some nice plasma applets available (recommendation: comic plasmoid!)
-	no crashes, so far, only some quirks like konqui not opening graphics 
directly, but offers to open via kuickshow with some warning etc...
-	performance still seems a bit sluggish, ATM, compared to kde3.

averall: really impressive, though still far from beeing feature complete.
I can just recommend anyone giving it a try, at least for 
experience/testing/bug reporting, it's well worth.

anyone knows how to disable (sound-) notifications ?
additionally: how to configure/add bookmarks in dolphin ?

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