[kde-linux] Character encoding problem in KDE

Hellmut Weber mail at hellmutweber.de
Fri Sep 7 16:52:46 UTC 2007

as german using german locale I have similar problems with 'äöüßÄÖÜ' as 
you may imagine ;-)

It seems (as you can see with other effects too) utf-8 is not yet fully 
supported. (Try for example to define a CUPS printer whose description 
is e.g. 'Büro' =Office)

So I avoid names with special characters like 'é'. Sticking with 
ASCII-127 (and not using blanks in file names) saves me lots of time and 



> The whole with a locale in French, BUT with a German keyboard
> (first line is: qwertzuiopü+*~).
> I can add to this that with this same configuration under Debian 3.1 
> with KDE 3.3.2 there was absolutely no problem.
> /dev/sda2 /home/ludovic/Données_personnelles vfat 
> user,exec,noauto,rw,umask=007 0 0
> With Konqueror I added under /home/ludovic the directory 
> « Données_personnelles ».
> After that, on my KDE desktop, I did « Add a new » « Link to periphery 
> device » « hard disk », selecting of course:
> /dev/sda2 (/home/ludovic/Données_personnelles).
> After clicking on the icon to mount the partition, I got the very bad 
> surprise :
> « The file or directory /home/ludovic/Données_personnelles does not 
> exist. »
> and in the corresponding Konqueror window, the URL with the wrong spelling:
> /home/ludovic/Données_personnelles
> Why these signs « ...é... » in the middle of the name of my directory, 
> although it was not the way I wrote it ???

Dr. Hellmut Weber         mail at hellmutweber.de
Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why: tinyurl.com/cbgq

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