[kde-linux] Keyboard Mouse Navigation

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Sun Nov 11 04:37:04 UTC 2007

David Baron wrote:
> This is a useful feature, especially if one is having problems with the rodent 
> or mickey is just not conveniently at hand.
> It would be more useful if one could toggle it on and off with a keystroke 
> (rather than having to go to the KDE peripherals->mouse setup).
> Where would one file the "wishlist" item since the setup does not have the KDE 
> standard help->reportabug item? Already in KDE4?

Yes, this is a good idea, file a wishlist.  It would be nice also for 
when you needed finer control.

Perhaps a panel applet would be better since this could also set basic 


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