[kde-linux] KDE-menu: open sub-menus on click only

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at decoulon.ch
Wed Aug 8 10:06:05 UTC 2007


I always hated "start-menus", from the first one I encountered in 
OS/2's "smartcenter" to kde or Gnome menus, not even to mention Winblow's. I 
use kicker (after removing the taskbar, another silly thing) to start my 
programs, displacing the kde-menu to the right as a mean of storage for stuff 
I only occasionnaly use.

So far, so good. Now, at least in the recent versions (3.5.x) that stupid 
thing react far too fast (or am I far too slow?), as soon as the pointer is 
on a menu point for a few seconds, the menu thinks it should develop. And 
some of these menus are so full and big they cover the desktop, so all I can 
do is click on what's left free (or press ESC) and start all over again.

Is there a way to tell: only develop the menu when I click on it? I've 
allready tried desellectiong "automaticaly select icons" in the Control 
Center", but that wasn't it.

As usually everything is possible with Linux, I hope I just have to find out 
how. Or is this a feature I should ask for?



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