[kde-linux] media:/ kioslave and Truecrypt volum

Marcin Jakubowski mjakubowski at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 12:11:33 UTC 2007

Hello list,

I have a problem trying to see my Truecrypt encrypted volume in
media:/ kioslave. It doesn't show up after mounting with truecrypt (of
course the volume is mounted, as /media/crypt). So I tried adding a
udev rule, like that:

KERNEL=="dm-0", ATTR{size}=="471040000", NAME="%k",
SYMLINK="cryptdisk", GROUP="hal"

It works fine, upon mounting the volume with truecrypt command, a
/dev/cryptdisk symlink is created. I also added an /etc/fstab entry (I
don't know much about media kioslave so I'm not sure where does it
look for information):

/dev/cryptdisk /media/crypt     ntfs-3g user,noauto     0 0

Bottom line is - it doesn't work. Anyone experienced with media:/
knows how to make it work?

Marcin Jakubowski
jid: kadat at hqdev.net

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