[kde-linux] KDE desktop <--> console

Felix Karpfen felixk at webone.com.au
Wed Sep 6 21:43:56 UTC 2006

On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 12:11:35 -0300, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote
(<200609041211.35344.marcelo.sales at sefaz.pe.gov.br>):

> Em Sábado 29 Julho 2006 18:30, Felix Karpfen escreveu:
>> Currently the KDE desktop is loaded by default in my Debian 3.1
>> environment and everything works well.
>> However, there are occasions when I need to work from the
>> command-line (e.g. for new installs that might clash with existing
>> loaded files).
>> I have found that "Ctrl+Alt+F1" gets me to the console.  But how do I
>> get back to the KDE desktop?
> Normally consoles 1-6 are text consoles. You can switch to them using ALT+Fx 
> (if you're already in a text console) or CTRL+ALT+Fx (if you are in a 
> graphical console). Consoles 7 and above are graphical ones. Your KDE is 
> probably running in console 7, which can be reached by typing ALT+F7 (if 
> you're in a text console) or CTRL+ALT+F7 (if you're in other graphical 
> console).

The need will not arise until I attempt to upgrade to the release
of a newer version of "stable Debian" (scheduled for December 2006).  This
needs to be done from the text console - with KDE not running.

I believe that CTRL+ALT_F7 will do all that I need.

 Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. 

Felix Karpfen

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