[kde-linux] 3.5.3 Konstructing -- missing icons?

David Baron d_baron at 012.net.il
Thu Jun 8 17:45:26 UTC 2006

The two kmail action-toolbar icons: mark as spam, mark as ham, seem to be 
missing once again! Well, not really. They are where they belong, in the 
subdirectories of kmail where I put them when I first started with 3.5. So, 
is the 3.5.3 kmail looking for them elsewhere or with a different name?

Kget's panel icon is missing. Again, nothing would have removed it.

ALL of knemo's icons are missing. Again, this is an install from kde-apps.org, 
compiled locally. So irrelevant to the 3.5.3.

So what's happening (or will this cure itself when every last piece has been 
compiled--I am working in one kde3.5 directory. 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 both 
konstructed fine this way. Any other way, well, both the current $KDEDIR and 
the configuration prefix are on the includes and can cause some strange 
bugs!) ??

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