[kde-linux] kmail send problem

Paul Kaplan pkaplan1 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 10 10:41:10 UTC 2006

>On Sunday 08 January 2006 13:54, a tiny voice compelled Paul Kaplan to
>> I've never previously had a problem sending mail from kmail on this
>> (or any other) using kde since 1.0.  Most recently w/ kmail 1.8 I was
>> fine from this box connecting to a POP3 server.
>> Since upgrading to kde3.5/kmail1.9 I am able only to receive mail but
>> can't send anything.  I am met with "Transport protocol unrecognized.
>> Unable to send message"  I can ping my smtp server and I am sending
>> e-mail from Evolution, so the box seems to be OK.
>> Is this a bug?  If not, any suggestions?
>> TIA
>> Paul

>I struggled for almost a week with the same problem after removing old 
>versions of KDE. I tried reinstalling kdepim, kdelibs, kdenetwork and 
>anything else that I imagined was even remotely related. I posted a
>couple of 
>times here but got no response.
>Logs were telling me nothing of use, but on the hunch that it was a
>problem, I started kmail as root and set up one of my accounts from
>I then closed roots kmail and opened it as user again. For the 3rd
>time, I 
>deleted my accounts and profiles. First I recreated the account that
>worked as root and I was able to send mail. The second account worked
>as well 
>after I recreated that.
>Logic tells me that creating an account and sending mail as root, had
>to do with the solution, but, unless the Linux Gods had visited durring
>night, this was the solution. If you can confirm this, I would really 
>appreciate it.
>Regards, Ernie

Thanks for the insight...Using the same account as root did allow me to
send, however the Linux Gods have not yet visited me :-(  I tried
deleting and recreating the account as a normal user, but no luck.  I
still can't send.

I looked at the file <username>/.kde/share/config/kmailrc for both the
normal user and root.  In the Transport section, where the sending
account information is specified, the only difference between the normal
user account version and the root version is the id number.  Changing
the value in the user account to that in the root account didn't solve
the problem.

Even more bizarre, I set up another user on the machine and ran kmail
from that useraccount with my "non-working" settings.  Lo and behold, it

I conclude that in upgrading to kde 3.5, there is a file from the v3.4
installation (that is not in ~/.kde) and that is conflicting with kmail
in kde 3.5.

Any thoughts about what this might be?...presumably one of the . files?

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