[kde-linux] Kde, Suse, RPM with .gz Updates!!

NeroZero support4fpo at aol.com
Wed Feb 15 22:01:50 UTC 2006

On my Suse 9 machine I wanted to get the latest Firefox which was 
downloadable as .gz version only! Hence I installed it at /opt/firefore 
as root and run it as user with /opt/firefore/firefox Prior I deleted 
with YAST the old version! Since this is no .rpm update all SuSeconfig 
files are not updated right! And even it does not show up on KDE as well 
automatically in the menu bar! If I press ALT + F2 there is n startup 
with FIREFOX as command line at the prompt!! What is the best way to 
fully integrate this update so that the system is fully aware of it...

Addon: I also downloaded RSSEditor from kde-adds! Where do I put it so 
that JDE can use it as well?! How come there is no .RPM at packman 
updates with online updating in YAST?!

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