[kde-linux] User with different screen resolution

Charalampos Alexopoulos babis at rege.org
Fri Apr 28 14:40:46 UTC 2006

> But the OT subsequently stated "This way change the resolution of KDE
> not the resolution of Xwindows whis is what i need".  So, it isn't
> clear
> what he is after.

The reason of this is that some 3D applications works smoother in lower
resolution than i normaly use (1280x1024) but when i change resolution
destroy the arragment of my desktop.
So i was thinking about to creat a second user with lower resolution where
i will have a different arragment of desktop optimized to that resolution
and every time i want to use one of those 3D application i will change
user.So its importand to change resolution at login time before desktop start.


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