[kde-linux] SuSE YaST2 Question

Merton Campbell Crockett mcc at CATO.GD-AIS.COM
Sat Nov 19 19:24:14 UTC 2005

This is not, specifically, a KDE question; however, members of this list 
appear to provide reasonable, solid answers to questions asked.

I live in a "dead" zone.  Satelite and wireless service is unavailable due 
to the surrounding hills DSL service is unavailable due to distance from a 
central office..  I complained one too many times about noise on my phone 
circuit and am, now, limited to a maximum of 28.6 Kbs when establishing a 
connection to work.

Occassionally, I would like to apply a critical update to a system at work 
from home.  Is there a way of running "/sbin/yast2 online_update" without 
using the fancy X-windows interface?

Also, I notice that after one of the recent KDE updates was applied that 
focus immediately switches to any "critical" message is displayed by an 
application.  In the past, I would receive a visual cue in the kicker bar 
that alerting me but focus would remain in my current window.  Is there 
someway to stop this switching?

If the application is in another desktop and you have a remote X-window 
open, you need to wait for the X-window to be refreshed by the remote 
system when you return to the window you were working in.  Is there a way 
to eliminate the refresh?

Merton Campbell Crockett

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FN:				Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:				General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
				Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:				Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:		mcc at CATO.GD-AIS.COM
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:	+1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:		+1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:	+1(805)377-6762
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