[kde-linux] How Do I Get kdelibs-common?

Christophe Gaubert christophe-gaubert at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jul 15 08:34:27 UTC 2005

Jerry Smith a écrit :
> I downloaded "main" and "updates" last night, but apparently, 
> kdelibs-common didn't make it. Guess I'll try again from a different mirror.

Strange. The command urpmq show that kdelibs-common is available on 
"main" and on the CD 1 :

)> urpmq  --media=main kdelibs-common
)> urpmq  --media="Installation CD1 (cdrom1)" kdelibs-common

(and I'm also using Mandrake 10.2)

Christophe Gaubert
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