[kde-linux] How Do I Get kdelibs-common?

Jerry Smith jsmith at mt-vernon.com
Thu Jul 14 23:16:06 UTC 2005

Christophe Gaubert wrote:

>Jerry Smith a écrit :
>>I've been trying to update some kde files with dependencies in 
>>"kdelibs-common," which I do not have. I'm running Mandriva10.2. I've 
>>searched the archives and found references to that dependency but 
>>couldn't see how/where to download "kdelibs-common." I perused the kde 
>>web site but could find no reference to the file or files "kdelibs-common.\
>If you go to :
>you can configure the sources for RPMs.
>kdelibs-common is available on the source "main".
I downloaded "main" and "updates" last night, but apparently, 
kdelibs-common didn't make it. Guess I'll try again from a different mirror.

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