Fwd: Turkish plural definition

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
23 Mar 2020 Pzt 22:33:30 GMT

El dilluns, 23 de març de 2020, a les 23:28:20 CET, Ömer Fadıl USTA va escriure:
> > I'm really not understanding your answer, sorry :)
> >
> > Let's say this
> > "There is 0 files"
> >
> "0 dosya mevcut"
> > "There is 1 file"
> >
> "1 dosya mevcut"
> > "There is 2 files"
> >
> "2 dosya mevcut"
> But it will be different if it was :
> "There is file"
> -> "Dosya mevcut"
> "There are files"
> -> "Dosyalar mevcut"
> as you can see if there is any counting exist we use single form
Ok, i think i understood now. 

All clear, thanks :)


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