Turkish plural definition

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
23 Mar 2020 Pzt 22:08:24 GMT

El dilluns, 23 de març de 2020, a les 10:29:21 CET, İşbaran Akçayır va escriure:
> Hello Albert,
> You would always use singular form when counting things:
> ("araba" being car for Turkish)
> 0 araba
> 1 araba
> 2 araba etc.
> Does that formula cover any other situation or do you use it when counting only?

Well *plural you* use it, kunitconversion5.po has things like

msgstr[0] "%1 ark saniye"
msgstr[1] "%1 ark dakika"

So for 0 do you use "ark saniye" or "ark dakika" ?


> Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>, 23 Mar 2020 Pzt, 02:26 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
> >
> > Hi, today while having a look at gettext code and Lokalize code I realized that gettext says
> >
> > A)  "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
> >
> > is the plural definition for Turkish.
> >
> > While Lokalize says it is
> >
> > B)  "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
> >
> > Which are veeeery similar but not the same.
> >
> > So which is the right one?
> >
> > Let me explain the different in English, with A (the correct one for English) you would say
> >
> > 0 cars
> > 1 car
> > 2 cars
> > ...
> >
> > with the B (the wrong one for English) you would say
> >
> > 0 car
> > 1 car
> > 2 cars
> > ...
> >
> > So which is the correct one for Turkish A or B?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >   Albert
> >
> >

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