Please put a mail regarding the file that you are translating.

Raghavendra Kamath raghu at
Fri Sep 18 13:40:51 BST 2020

Hi everyone,

Since we don't have real time communication I think it would be better if we 
let others know which files we are going to translate. This will avoid 
duplicate work. 

Currently there are only 3 people including my self working on Hindi 
translations, so the chances of two people working on same file is less but I 
think it would be good to make this a routine so that everyone is informed and 
it will will help when team grows.

So to start from myself, I am working on krita.pot currently and I will mail 
if I pick up other files. 

Let us know what you are working on currently and also please let us know if 
there are any suggestions to make this process easier.

Thank you


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