A step by step guide to setting up Lokalize & svn for translations

Raghavendra Kamath raghu at raghukamath.com
Fri Sep 4 07:47:50 BST 2020

On Thursday, 3 September, 2020 11:45:12 PM IST Guntupalli Karunakar wrote:

> Question is how many have you seen. I would be surprised if its more
> than 10.

Yes they are not that much.

> Then there is the broader issue of whether are there people using the
> localized interface, beyond the contributors themselves. This has
> been difficult to assess.
> So while there may be many users who use FOSS in Indian languages for
> their work , communication , not many maybe using localized
> interfaces.
> With mobiles becoming the primary interface for many , perhaps the
> earlier expectation of bigger userbase and section demanding
> localized interface for desktop has become redundant.

I still think that there are people who would use localised interfaces. As 
internet will penetrate deeper in rural areas, people will come to know about 
the applications and would need localised interfaces. The urban user might not 
need it. I don't have any data to back my assumptions but I also see some 
efforts from social media giants and other companies pushing for localisation, 
so there must be some market for it.

> Maybe we could setup for a once in 2 weeks meeting. maybe 30min
> session to begin with.
> While at work I am unable to access IRC, doing
> it on phone is cumbersome.

You can use the chat we use has mobile applications, checkout the links that I 
shared.  Once in 2 weeks sounds good. If it too bothersome or demanding we can 
may be meet once in 1 month.

> On the list part I was thinking if this list could be renamed to
> kde-l10n-in or kde-l10n-indic  , so if there are other language folks
> they could all be in one place.

I do not have any problem, we can request the sysadmins. But I think some 
teams like Malayalam and Assamese already have separate groups and mailing 
list. I'll ping them about this and then we can request the sysadmins.

Thank you


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