Translations errors on current trunk/l10n-summit/fi

Tommi Nieminen translator at
Wed Mar 8 09:14:59 GMT 2023

Luigi Toscano kirjoitti tiistaina 7. maaliskuuta 2023 23.48:

> I just noticed a few errors while running:
> $ posieve check-tp-kde -b fi/summit/messages fi/summit/docmessages

I fixed as many of them as I could, but the below-mentioned four I couldn’t 
spot. Lasse I think is best positioned to look at the “translation cannot be 
scripted” issue in marble_qt.po in any case, as he’s the one who knows 
anything about that!

fi/summit/messages/digikam/digikam.po:65093(#8788)[msgstr:80:"/qt>"]: KDE4 
markup: mismatched tag.                
fi/summit/messages/kwin/kcmkwm.po:1380(#159)[msgstr:503]: KDE4 markup: 
mismatched tag.
fi/summit/messages/marble/marble_qt.po:12703(#1846)[msgstr:9:"|/|"]: Dumb 
message, translation cannot be scripted.
fi/summit/messages/qtcurve/qtcurve.po:5926(#783)[msgstr:89]: KDE4 markup: 
mismatched tag.

.... Tommi Nieminen .... ....
     Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora nostra morte corporale,
  da la quale nullu homo vivente po skappare.
     (San Francesco d'Assisi)
.... mailto:translator at ....

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