[Kde-l10n-es] [Fwd: KDE 4.1 branch created]

Jaime Robles jaime en kde.org
Mie Jul 9 13:28:45 CEST 2008

Para vuestra información...

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles - http://jaime.robles.es
	jaime en kde.org
	Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team
	http://www.kde.org/es  - http://es.l10n.kde.org

---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: KDE 4.1 branch created
De:     "Dirk Mueller" <mueller en kde.org>
Fecha:  Mie, 9 de Julio de 2008, 12:48 pm
Para:   kde-core-devel en kde.org
Cc:     kde-i18n-doc en kde.org
        release-team en kde.org


No RC1 blockers are aware to me, so I went ahead and  created a KDE 4.1
from /trunk, which is now heading towards KDE 4.2. Translations for RC1 will
be taken from /trunk/l10n-kde4, a separate announcement for translations will
follow. I'll have to figure out if its worth keeping KDE 4.0 translations
available any further.

RC 1 tarballs will be done fairly today from the branch and uploaded to the

branches/KDE/4.1 is open for commits, but only for stuff that should go into
KDE 4.1 final, so be careful. do not backport dangerous changes at the

trunk/KDE is open again for KDE 4.2 development, but I would like to urge you
to concentrate on polishing KDE 4.1, at least until KDE 4.1 is final.

There have been 20803 commits that made it into KDE 4.1 branch, 15432
translation checkins. almost 35000 commits have been done in work branches,
some of them also being merged into /trunk, so those were not even counted.
Great work everyone :) Please spread the word (blogs, channels, etc)!


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