[Kde-kiosk] KDE 3.2 desktop filepath changes

Russell Brown russell at lls.lls.com
Wed Mar 10 16:26:51 CET 2004

It seems that KDE 3.2 has been 'enhanced' to use
/usr/share/applications/kde/....  to find its desktop entries in
addition to the, older, /usr/share/applnk/.../...  struture.

This has nobbled my Kiosk setup which uses myconfigdir/share/applnk/....
in KDEDIRS to control which items appear on the menu (either by using
Hidden=true in a .directory file or by Hidden=true in
/myconfigdir/share/applnk/.../<app>.desktop files that mask the
distribution .desktop files).

I tried creating a .directory file in /usr/share/applications/kde with
Hidden=true in it but KDE 3.2 is ignoring that and including everything
on the menus anyway :-(

So I then tried creating myconfigdir/share/applications/kde/kbabel.desktop

 [Desktop Entry]

in the hope of masking the /usr/share/applications/kde/kbabel.desktop
file....  (as I do for ..share/applnk/) but this doesn't work either :-(

So.  How do I control what appears on the desktop menus in KDE 3.2
**WITHOUT** changing the distribution files in /usr/share/applications/kde ???

Thanks in Advance.

PS - any other 'Gotchas' in 3.2 for Kiosk configurators ????

| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russell at lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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