[Kde-kiosk] path, files, mode

Ask Holme ask at eternal-newbie.dk
Wed Jun 2 19:28:11 CEST 2004

Austin Longino <longinoa at mail.cm.utexas.edu> wrote:
> So im on gentoo as well. Did you emerge kiosktools (if so whats the 
> e-build) or where did you install it. Is that important? Also the wierd 
> thing is that the /etc/kde-profiles/ only has the structure 
> default/etc/xdg/menus then one file applications.menu nothing else. Im 
> wonderin if everythign was installed correctly.
Okay here goes. i did handkompile the kiosktool into /usr/local/bin and
it doesn't matter where it's installed. 

Anyway as i said, i never got the kiosk approch to things working - my
advice is that you get your hands dirty and goes down to the core config
files instead. the kiosktool seems to be some undocumented beta, which
doesn't work well at all. 

Anyway, the menu file which is in place could indicate some changes you
tried making to the menu with kiosk. Place note that the file is a XML
file in a freedesktop format, meant to me merged with a systemwide
version. So don't do a "cp
/usr/kde/3.2/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu" that will not work as
exptected. (instead find the specification of the xml format (read the
top line URL) and handcode one - i did that. (just keep in mind that the
KDE control panel work via the menu, so if you exclude some stuff the
kontrol panel will stop working - try <Deleted/> instead.)

Anyway, theres config files in /usr/kde/3.2/share/config and
~/.kde3.2/share/config. my advice is to create a test user, setup that
use as you like and then migrate the settings to the globale level
byhand. Offcourse this approch will only work if you want a system wide
lockdown. otherwise you need to migrate the files to a 3. location and
make a login script to set that location in the users KDE_DIR
environment variable.
Ask Holme
"If you can't beat it, then just pretend it was your idea in the first place" 
	-- Vimes in Guards! Guards!, a discworld novel by Terry Pratchett

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