[Kamoso] Streaming to an IceCast Server

David Narvaez david.narvaez at computer.org
Mon Sep 12 19:34:20 UTC 2011

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Alex Fiestas <afiestas at kde.org> wrote:
> On 09/11/2011 12:37 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
>> Feasability is not a problem I think, my biggest concern would be that
>> its target user is quite far to the usual Kamoso user and it might
>> clutter the UI a little...
>> Maybe we could have a command line option that adds geeky stuff? :P
> Maybe we can just turn the current "modes" into actual plugins so more stuff can go in there if needed, what do you think?

Sorry for the delay, had a rough weekend. Here are some thoughts:

I probably haven't sold the feature in the right way. We are first
trying to make a SaaS to do free (as in free speech) streaming based
on IceCast technology etc, but making it easy as UStream or Twitcam.
Ideally, we want to have integration to some cool webcam apps like
Kamoso, but as a user-friendly feature, not like a geeky-feature.
Think of it as having Identi.ca in the KDE-Microblogging plasmoid. So
at the end the only feature we'll really need is just "Stream to
<SomeNameForTheSaaS>" where you'll just put an URL and you'll stream
to your friends etc. But in the meantime, we'd like to use Kamoso
itself for our testings so having the streaming feature maybe in our
own branch apart from main development would be enough for the moment.

We're definitely not trying to suit Kamoso for advanced users but on
the contrary, bringing advanced streaming to end  users in a very
social fashion. Sounds better?

David E. Narvaez

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