[Kamoso] Streaming to an IceCast Server

David Narvaez david.narvaez at computer.org
Thu Sep 8 22:34:05 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I contacted Aleix about our interest to leverage some desktop webcam
applications to do video broadcasting. Our current main goal is
streaming to an IceCast server. I had a look at Kamoso's code and even
though there's no streaming capability right now, I think it would be
fairly easy to use GStreamer's shout2send sink and some configuration
dialogs to implement that feature. Also, Aleix told me he had some
streaming code he could incorporate easily into Kamoso.

The way I see it is:
* Add a streaming button after the record button
* User clicks it, and a dialog appears. The user can specify hostname,
username, password and mountpoint of the stream (there are a billion
more settings for the sink, which we could implement through an
'Advanced >>' button in the dialog)
* User clicks Ok and he's off streaming

In the code, it would probably mean:
* Adding a startBroadcasting() method in the WebcamWidget
* Doing pretty much the same you do when you start recording, but
adding the shout2send sink at the end

What do you think?

David E. Narvaez

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